14 Jun 2009

We had also a critical constructive feed-back from one of the other GEA teams

The results are the following:

  • Impact (How did you feel?, what will you do now?-Impact on you)
I felt like I've lost my leg, but I didn't understand why some people didn't have any handicap. Where is jutice?

Somehow I felt bad when we were laughting over this being handicaped, because it is a too serious and hard issue in reality

Somehow in this situation it was "funny", but in a very sarcastic way because of the knowledge that in other parts of the world still a reallity

I felt very well because I didn't have a handicap.

The first time I felt the difficulty to ask for help.

I pointed the table where all the people was already injured and I wasn't [was lucky! so I didn't have role (nobody asked me for help)

Although I was the lucky one, I still felt unconfortable to see others in confortless situation.

I felt mostly dependent, not really bad. I think I'll search in the internet and sign the petition you talked about.

  • Message(Did the aim get across?, was their vision clear/fullfilled?)
I think the message effects of landmines as well as info on distribution and how they look came across.

It was difficult to follow the message because it was during the lunch time.

The action was clear and it was interesting to read the further informations

  • Method (creativity? was it appropiate?)
It was good to do it at lunch-> a combination with such a hard topic with such an everyday thing made the reallity somehow more present

I liked my buddy on guide which helped me to cope with my missing leg

I liked it, it was proper prepared, they thought about everything

It was surprising. It could make the people experiencing.

I think the method was creative, great idea with the plastic lids symbolithing the mines

I did not like the filming/interviewing during the activity

The method was not so creative. I knew something similar before.

  • Content (choice of topic?Gived Information?level/complexity?)
A lot of information on the pinned area. There was not enought time for reading it all.

Good prepared. I liked cause there was a lot of information.

Very good. Interesting topic. Not so much information during the activity, not overload but possibilities for further info

Good choice of the topic cause, even though I know about landmines, it was not present for me and I was not so aware about the dimensions. That's time!

How did we evaluated the action

Following some steps we were supposed to evaluate the action, our result was the following:
  1. Management (well coordinated, some lack of information, time problem of the participannts)
  2. Aim ("Rasing awareness of realities inliving with a handicap caused by a role play during the one-hour lunch time in June at KH to make seminar participants experience being handicaped and encourage them for further actions against the use of landmines)
  3. Method (visual and participative, we are satisfied with the "work-out" results, communication between the team members can be improved, coordination can be also improved)
  4. Content (appropiate topic, information blackboard was clearly structured, the depth of the topic was enough-concearning where the situation take place-)

Any comments on the landmine activities??

There was also place for self-reflection and thoughts, some of them were:
  • it's sporty!
  • great concept
  • maybe should be more simulations like dayly situations
  • still too many injured in 2009
  • impresive numbers
  • Interesting to feel what they feel, but a bit not to cool to laught and play about it. If we would had anybody without a leg there, nobody would jump arround with 1 leg. But great learning.

How did you feel while handicaped?

We also had a poster with different feelings that the people had to mark, the results where:
4 confused, 12 helpless, 5 angry, 8 lost patience, 8 amused, 7 annoyed, 12 dependent on the others, 6 sorry (for myself/others) and 4 touched. It is not clear for me at the moment of writting this tag if there was a limit on x that one could draw, but I supposed one could cross as much as they filled. There was also important space to add some feelings that someone thought were missing. Those feelings were: 4 passive, 5 vulnerable, 2 lucky and 1 frustrated.

Where was the people injured?

We were arround 64 people involved, but not all of them where injured. The ones who get no injure had to pay the price of helping the ones affected. There were 4 Eye injuries, 1 face, 4 hand injuries, 1 whole arm, 4 arms under the elbow, 13 whole legs and 8 down the knee. The injures where sometimes combined and should come with a proportional frequence of the real world injuries, depending on the official statistics. (here I'll put foto of the poster and real statitstics)

First meeting together in Kostelecke Horky

We had a meeting to decide what we finally needed for the action on Tuesday 9 of June. The action took place on Wednesday lunch. We show first the instruction papers, and draw some corresponding stikers for the injuries to be visible. There were also the information papers for the tables, with the instructions on how to act during the activity. We checked out the informative pannels and added a couple of definitions that were important. There was also place to develope a reflexive area about which injured the people had and its feelings.

We also had a cute but handicaped pig for collecting money to landmine.de organization.