11 Dec 2009

2004 Halo-Trust Demining action in Nagorno-Karabakh

Another part of Simon Reeves' Holidays in the Danger zone, this time about de-mining in Nagorno-Karabakh. Impresive that some people in the place, despite the mine zone marks, just cross through the area.

UXO weapon depots in Georgia

Holidays in Danger Zone is a program conducted by Simon Reeve. In the episode about Georgia he encounters a couple of issues related to out topic, for example old Deponies of soon never again protected explosives or HaLo Trust demining in places, while the civilians just cross through withought really paying much atention to the signs. As a couple of members of this GE-action team, travelled to Georgia, it was said to us that HaLo Trust was not anymore active de-mining but training the Georgian troops for this to help in other lands.

miss landmine cambodia 2009

(in no particular order)

* Female pride and empowerment.

* Disabled pride and empowerment.

* Global and local landmine awareness and information.

* Challenge inferiority and/or guilt complexes that hinder creativity-
historical, cultural, social, personal, African, European.

* Question established concepts of physical perfection.

* Challenge old and ingrown concepts of cultural cooperation.

* Celebrate true beauty.

* Replace the passive term 'Victim' with the active term 'Survivor'

Photos von the Action

We are going to explain through images how was it developed. This was how we presented the action. In every table there was one person that would not be wounded and therefor would have to help their table mates. You have to explain all that before the people take there meal, so that they take the "mine" and see if they are wounded an how (they also become extra information about what is the incidence of Bounds in the different parts of the Body and then start the meal.

During the meal, when they see where were they wounded, they become a mark so everybody knows they cannot use this part of the Body. Everybody feels then unconfortability and they feel in need to ask for help.

It was then a reflexion pannel, where the people put where were they wounded and how did they feel. Then it was also an informative pannel with different issues arround the landmine thema, like maps or photos from "miss landmine" contest.

And also there was place to present some NGO related to the topic and collect some money about it:Landmine.de